Analog meets digital.
We love any chance to bring a hand-made element into our animations, and this personal project for a music video concept gave us the perfect opportunity to do that.
Nate created abstract, glitchy, colorful images using a scanner and items from our home. (Tinfoil, bubble wrap, and a vase, for example.) Amanda used the elements he created as the basis of the animation.
Song: "Antimatter" by Silent Planet
we <3 Tulsa.
Our city's flag was redesigned a few years ago (thank goodness!), and we showed it some love by animating it into this mountaintop scene.
Where it all began.
Way back in 2017, we began collaborating by mixing our interests – film photography and animation – and these "stereo animations" were the result. Nate shot photos with a 3-lens stereo camera, then Amanda brought them into Photoshop to add some frame-by-frame animated details.
Check back soon to see what else we're working on in our free time!
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